The what and how of Five Element Acupuncture?Acupuncture, which includes the insertion of hair thin fine needles into acupuncture points on the body, moxibustion (the use of a herb that gently heats the acupuncture point), cupping and Chinese massage (gua sha and tui na) is a 2000 year old medical treatment. Although many experts disagree about how acupuncture actually works some 15,000 Western Medicine doctors and physiotherapists deliver basic acupuncture treatment through the NHS.
Classical Five Element Acupuncture aims to treat the root of your distress and not just your symptoms. Treatment includes a personal and medical consultation covering your family history, lifestyle, systems functions (eg. sleep, appetite) and full details of your current complaint/s. Details of any tests, investigations and medication is taken into account. You will also have the opportunity to discuss in complete confidence any of your concerns or troubles. A number of short non invasive physical diagnostic tests are conducted including blood pressure, temperature distribution and pulse taking. This is then followed by the first treatment. Subsequent treataments include discussion of your progress and treatment to date. Many patients are concerned that acupuncture maybe painful but as the needles are flexible and very fine there is usually only a very slight sensation as it enters the skin. Sometimes patients also feel a dull ache on the acupuncture point but this also only lasts for a few seconds and is generally not considered to be uncomfortable. Many find acupuncture relaxing and feel very calm after a treatment; you may also feel a tired or sleepy so if possible, try to arrange for your first session for a relatively restful and quiet day. Cost of treatment £50 per session. Concessionary prices may be available for unwaged upon request Gaynor is a member of the British Acupuncture Association. This often means that patients are able to reclaim the costs of their treatment if they have health insurance.